The State of SEO in Utah


Billions of search queries take place online every day and in order to remain competitive, a business must create a relevant internet presence. If you’re still asking yourself if SEO is right for your business, you may find that the following facts can help clarify the state of SEO in Salt Lake City, Utah:

Utah Data

  • “Utah SEO” is a common keyword searched on Google. In fact, it was searched more in the last four months than ever before, with more than 2,400 searches for “Utah SEO” in the month of March 2014 alone - with 30% of those searches coming from mobile devices
  • According to the most recent SBA Small Business Profile, Utah currently has 252,186 small businesses, making it crucial that your business do all it can to stand apart from the competition
  • Of the 252,186 small businesses in Utah, 196,634 have no employees and rely heavily or solely on their online relationships
  • Utah headed the list of the Best States for Business for three years straight due to annual economic growth from 2006 - 2012
  • Utah’s economy typically grows faster than the rest of the economy after a recession and has maintained a steadily increasing growth rate and employment rate for nearly 10 years

National Data

  • There are more than two trillion searches performed online every year, and counting
  • More than 90% of online experiences begin with a visit to Google, Yahoo, and Bing, but approximately 2/3 of Americans prefer Google as their search engine of choice
  • More than 60% of all clicks are sent to the top three organic search results
  • Nearly 90% of online shoppers will never make it past the first page of search results
  • 58% of the most successful companies reported a rising marketing budget to help ensure future growth
  • Backlinks remain one of the most important factors of SEO, making content marketing and social media marketing more important than ever
  • Global mobile traffic accounts for 15% of all internet traffic
  • 61% of mobile web users feel just as comfortable with mobile advertising as they do with online, television, or radio advertisements
  • 63% of shoppers expect to be doing more online shopping in the future
  • 61% of shoppers have a better opinion of brands with a good online presence

What’s the MWI Difference?

The difference with MWI is we are established in your local community and take pride in helping companies succeed and find more customers. While the initial goal is to help you get more traffic, our ultimate goal is to put you in touch with your target audience to create conversions and long-lasting relationships.

We specialize in Utah SEO, so we can help your business remain competitive both locally and abroad. We understand the competition and can help you appropriately analyze your competitors to stand out among the rest.

Relevant Online Traffic

We aim to keep your site high in the rankings on all the popular search engines, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. In order to accomplish this, we work with our clients to develop effective strategies for continued growth and high rankings. Whether this is your first time working with a Utah SEO firm, or you are just looking to improve your online presence, we can help. We will be by your side to improve your marketing efforts, get more value from your marketing budget, reach more potential customers, better serve your current Salt Lake City customers, and improve the overall customer experience.

By matching your business with relevant online traffic, we can save you money, save your customers time, and help lower bounce rates. A good SEO and search engine marketing strategy will ensure that both the customer and business win in the end.

Comprehensive Online Marketing Services

Business owners have enough to worry about. Leave it to our SEO marketing pros to take care of your marketing plan and ensure that you are well positioned for future online growth. While SEO can be extremely effective on its own, the best way to ensure online growth is to create a customized plan utilizing all appropriate marketing services at your disposal. As a full-service marketing firm, we offer a comprehensive range of online marketing services, including:

  • SEO
  • Web design
  • Conversion optimization
  • SEM & PPC
  • Audit and strategy
  • Training
  • Language services
  • Web design
  • Infographics
  • Online PR
  • Link building
  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing

Based on recent data from MarketingSherpa, businesses are investing more in online advertising and less in radio and television ads than ever before. Google has also released a Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide to better explain the importance of SEO and how it can work for your business.

Creating Quality Content

The top three online marketing services most companies invest in are email marketing, social media marketing, and SEO, all of which require good, effective content. Creating quality content has never been more important as both the quantity and quality of backlinks can now effect your business. It is crucial to create keyword rich content that can engage and educate your customers as studies have shown that having good content tends to correlate with good rankings.

Keeping Up With the Changes

From the time Google first introduced AdWords in 2000 to today, SEO strategies have consistently changed, and as the local Utah economy continues to change, so do the customers and their preferences. At MWI, we remain on top of the SEO trends to ensure that your business is competitive today, tomorrow, and well into the future.